Shichimi Togarashi
Japanese Seven Spice Powder

Shichimi togarashi (also written as shichi-mi tōgarashi), sometimes referred to as seven-spice powder, is a spice blend used in Japanese cuisine. Its name means seven-flavour chili pepper, a reference to the usual seven ingredients that are used to make it.
Shichimi togarashi is usually made with ground chili peppers, sansho (Japanese pepper), roasted satsuma/mandarin peel, sesame seeds (black and/or white), hemp seeds/hearts, ground ginger, and nori (seaweed). Despite the name, the blend can add (or substitute) other ingredients, including poppy seeds, yuzu peel, shiso, and rapeseed. Regardless of the other ingredients used, the primary ingredient is always ground chili pepper.
Shichimi togarashi (七味唐辛子 in Japanese, which can also be read as nanami togarashi) may also be called nana-iro togarashi (七色唐辛子) which means ‘seven-color chili pepper.’ Shichimi togarashi should not be confused with ichimi togarashi (一味唐辛子, literally ‘one-flavour chili pepper’), which is simply ground chili pepper. Likewise, it should not be confused with Chinese five-spice powder, which is an entirely different product.